So the account of the threat to the Jews in Persia and the part played by Esther and Mordecai reaches its very satisfactory conclusion. Good triumphs and evil Is defeated. The goodies are elevated and the baddies get their comeuppance and all live happily ever-after.
Well not quite for we know from history that this is not the last time that God’s chosen people come under attack.
If you were to read this short book of the Bible for the first time it would keep you gripped as page by page new twists are introduced and reading it again we are still drawn in to the movement of the story. But as it is included in the canon of scripture we need to ask why it is there, for as we have noted previously it is the only book which does not mention God. So the question we have been confronted with in each episode ‘Where is God in all this…?’ still confronts us.
I trust that if you have been following this series of devotions you will have thought seriously about this question but in this final devotion on the book I want to draw attention to what has come strongly home to me as I have thought through it through.
Simply stated, and I hope very obvious God, although not named was there in the midst of his people and at work in and through his people.
1 He was there because his people ‘ the apple of his eye’ were there.
2 He was there working in the lives of people who didn’t acknowledge him, through circumstances – e.g. The kings insomnia.
3 He was there working through ordinary people – there was nothing exceptional about Esther and Mordecai who were propelled into the limelight through ‘circumstances’.
4 He was there to ensure justice was done.
And for you and me as believers today.
1 He is with us because we are ‘in Christ’
2 He is working his purposes out even in the horror which is Ukraine.
3 He is working in us as we do the works he has prepared for us to do.
4 He will ensure that justice will be done.
Brothers and Sister we are not alone! Our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, many suffering terribly, are not alone.
There may be times when we feel he is absent but don’t let the evil one fool you.
… content with what you have, for God has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say,
“The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear;
what can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13.5-6