For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him (Jesus) and through him to reconcile all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Colossians 1.19-20
Reconciliation is a wonderful word – defined in one dictionary as ‘the restoration of friendly relations’. I think the word ‘friendly’ is a little weak as a description of the relationships in the Garden of Eden before the fall. In that paradise all was ‘very good’ – God’s words which we noted earlier in this short series. There was nothing to spoil quite literally ‘paradise with all its connotations until one act of disobedience resulted in the man (Adam) and the woman (Eve) hiding form God and then being driven out of the Garden.
The restoration of relationship became a complex and costly system of sacrifices as being the only way sinful people could even begin to approach the Holy God. This situation continued until Jesus Christ, who has been the great focus of our thoughts this week, entered this world as the perfect man and reconciled to himself all things, through his death. Notice how Paul puts it at the end of verse 20. He made peace possible between a holy God, who cannot look at sin, and sinful people, you and me, through his blood shed on the cross.
This could only happen because ‘God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Jesus’ – he was the perfect man and at the same time fully God, making him the only one who could achieve this reconciliation and peace making.
There was no other good enough
To pay the price of sin
He only could unlock the gate
Of heaven and let us in.
Further why not make this prayer from another hymn yours as you reflect on what God has done in Christ.
O teach me what it meaneth
That sacred crimson tide
The blood and water flowing
From thine own wounded side
Teach me that if none other
Had sinned but I alone
Yet still thy blood Lord Jesus
Thine only must atone.
and respond with wonder at the value God thus places on you as a reconciled sinner.