The Book of Judges which we have touched on in the past few days, with its account of what happens when God’s people forget him and do their own thing is followed, in our English Bibles, by the story of Ruth and shows us in a glorious way the other side of the coin. Here is a wonderful account of people walking in God’s ways and displaying a precious biblical characteristic – in Hebrew Hesed. To help us understand this I have taken the following from the website of Ligonier Ministries with the prayer that as you read you will do so with a growing wonder at God’s working with and through ordinary people.
A Story of Hesed
“So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife. And he went in to her, and the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son… . They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David”
(vv. 13–17).– Ruth 4:13–22
Above all else, the story of Ruth is a story of hesed. This Hebrew concept, which is frequently translated in the book of Ruth with terms such as “kindness” or “kindly” (Ruth 1:8; 2:20; 3:10), is rich indeed. It goes far beyond our notions of kindness. Even a stranger may show kindness, but a stranger does not show hesed. That is because hesed is a covenantal concept, and covenants are not made between strangers. Hesed is enduring covenant loyalty and love. It refers to an unwavering commitment and often is used of God’s permanent, unchanging love (“steadfast love”) for Israel and for David (Deut. 7:9; 1 Chron. 17:13).
In the story of Ruth, the key characters demonstrate hesed. Ruth showed unwavering covenant loyalty and love to Naomi by remaining with her mother-in-law when she returned to Bethlehem and by seeking to marry Boaz in order to carry on the line of Elimelech, Naomi’s dead husband (Ruth 1; 3). Boaz showed hesed by caring more about Elimelech’s name and line than his own, marrying Ruth in order to give Elimelech an heir (4:1–12). And Naomi testified to the hesed of the Lord, recognizing the hidden hand of divine providence in bringing Ruth to Boaz (2:20), one of the family’s redeemers. Indeed, the hesed of the Lord is evident throughout. In the history of God’s people, these key individuals just “happened” to come together and to show loyal love and commitment to each other and to the Lord. And as we see in today’s passage, the result was the royal line of King David, the greatest ruler in ancient Israel and model for the Messiah.
Boaz married Ruth and together they conceived a son, who according to the levirate marriage laws (Deut. 25:5–10) should have actually been reckoned as the son of Elimelech, thus keeping the property within Elimelech’s family. That this happened with respect to the property is evident in Ruth 4:13–17, for the son of Ruth and Boaz, Obed, was presented to Naomi as if he were Naomi’s own child.
However, the purpose of levirate marriage was not only to keep property in a family but to perpetuate the name of the man who died. This did happen, for even today the book of Ruth tells us who Elimelech was. His name was not forgotten. Yet, Boaz’s name was not forgotten either when it came to the heir whom he sired for the sake of Elimelech. For it is Boaz who appears in the royal genealogy of David as David’s great-grandfather and, even better, in the genealogy of David’s greater Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (Matt. 1:1–17).
Coram Deo
[A note of explanation!This Latin phrase literally refers to something that takes place in the presence of, or before the face of, God. To live coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.]
God has shown us unwavering covenant loyalty and love—hesed—and we are to show the same in return to Him and to His people. We cannot do that without the aid of the Holy Spirit, whom the Lord gives to all who believe in His name alone for salvation. How can we tangibly show our love and loyalty to God and His people today by worshiping Him and serving others?