Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.
Joel 2.23
Joel chapter 1 speaks of a terrible plague of locusts and a devastating drought in Israel as a result of the people’s bad behaviour. We are not told the specific sins of the people but we can rest assured that it would have been a prolonged mockery of God through their actions. Chapter two is a call for deep-hearted repentance, to turn away from the wicked deeds and to turn back to God. In this critical situation the people listen to the words of the prophet and turn to God.
And God is faithful.
God is faithful and, in the midst of the people’s starvation, when they have nothing left, as a result of their repentance God sends the rain for their early vindication. He gives them a clean slate. He takes them back. When it rains there is nothing that escapes from the flow except the things that are brought inside. The abundant rain is so far reaching and thorough and restorative that it is the perfect picture to show these people how God has forgiven them. It’s what they need most. It’s what they desire most. It is life.
Are you downcast today? Do you feel that you’ve made the same old mistake all over again? Call out to Him and take your burdens out into the heavy and refreshing rain of His forgiveness. Don’t leave anything inside but commit all your struggles and worries to Him in the far-reaching flow. He wants you back. He wants to wash you clean and make you His own.
Dan Scott